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  1. DSvT Says:

    Everybody got their good/bad stories,
    We learn from Bad experience,
    follow the good path.

    Getting into university doesn’t grant a better job or living, I grad from UK University, but current work like hell as Engineer in Jap MNC company.

  2. 70/F Says:

    小 justine:


    世事人臉也柔和一點 (嘿!模糊一點)

  3. cheryl Says:

    果時我學左好多堂先俾錢,因為佢每堂計為90分鐘80元,一次學2堂個半鐘。初時仲誤會佢一次係80咁荀添…. 真係大鄉里。

    不過呢,師傅好唔好仲要睇埋佢幫唔幫你揀考官…. 不過老來仲有d細藝唔係幾好? 成日去飲茶去hea就好happy咩。到時又呻悶喇,人就係咁。

    咪俾下錢人地老人家賺囉… 你d錢有排搵啦。況且,要咁多錢做咩? =P

  4. DSvT Says:

    Haha… Yalor, for malaysia cost me -> RM 50~70/hr (equal to HK$101~121) for the driving lesson.

    Just imagine, how nice to have a licence and can go anyway by ourself, no need to take the crowded bus again…

  5. Justin Says:

    DSvT: 我就係諗住到時去美國,都好可能要揸,所以學定先。
    70/F: 嘿嘿。現實的我,或沒有我所說的溫柔呀。
    Cheryl: 所以,我都諗住到時考到,就俾錢佢老人家飲茶呀。

  6. DSvT Says:

    Oic… when you goto US?
    For study?
    In US, driving kinda dangerous compare to other country…

  7. mrtimothylui Says:

    哥仔 , 學車o者, 可唔可以focus D, 唔好唸咁多sidetrack野呀.

    呢個世界就係有太多唔專心既人 , 由其係渣車既時候, 先會有咁多意外.

  8. cheryl Says:

    haha Alan you’re right!!!!! people are freaks when they drive here… esp LA, the third most congested city in the world. the other day my friend was visiting and he told me that: is it nuts? i saw all those grannies going like 90mph!!! hahaha

  9. 70/F Says:

    我鐘意 Mr Timothy Lui 既 comment……

  10. DSvT Says:

    Cheryl: where are you now, actually? HK or US?

    mrtimothylui: Yeah, concerntration is a must. But I used to do SMSing during driving back home from work… (but I don’t drive 90Mph la, just around 130kph…) hahaha…

  11. Justin Says:

    DSvT: Yes. i am going there. In US, one with no driving license is more or less like one cannot walk, but crawl.

    Tim: 渣車時,需要用既腦太少,咁,自自然然咪諗其他野囉。

    Cheryl…. So… would the case be better in the east coast?

    70/F : 嘿。

  12. 火鶴 Says:

    小側田, 响East Coast揸車, 除咗New York City恐怖DD之外, 其他成市都OK架, 所以, 你都唔駛咁驚青.
    呢度, 响Highway飛120kph, 係好平常.
    不過, 揸車都係小心D好.

  13. cheryl Says:

    alan i’m now still in LA =) but would be back in two weeks and staying around for 2 months….

    but like, while in traffic the best thing you can do is to talk on the phone. it kills time. you can never imagine being in the traffic early in the morning stuck for 2 hours AND your stereo is DEADDDD!!! but texting.. a bit too dangerous. i’ve seen freaks going like 65mph already but texting. -_-

    justin, i dunno about the east coast BUT they have this nice subway system around NYC so theorectically when you go there you don’t drive. LA is another story because it doesn’t have any mass transportation system…. SF is just still better than us. so you don’t really have to drive in other states it just depends on how remote the place is

  14. Justin Says:

    FireCrane: 謝!家弟亦在美國諗書,佢都話highway開100km會俾人boot的。

    Cheryl: Ha. What a “NICE" subway system in NYC, i hv a friend hv been there for sometime, he is a guy, but his parents asked him not to take subway as it is dangerous~~~

  15. cheryl Says:

    they’re just being too nervous… my girls friends just take those on a daily basis

  16. DSvT Says:

    Justin: why? scare of subway bomb or?

  17. Justin Says:

    DSvT: 佢話果度多人打劫

  18. DSvT Says:

    I think if ourself be more alert to the surrounding, it shouldn’t be any problem at all. I don’t like subway is because to complicated route they have. Last time I got lost in london underground due to take the wrong color route. haha….

    I think if not going out alone, it should be ok lo…

  19. cheryl Says:

    >> it should be ok lo…

    haha Alan i’m not picking on you but i couldn’t help imagining you’re speaking w/ a malaysian accent (which is very cute). my friend went to hertforshire and he met lotta malaysians there too. i remember he showed me a video of those friends with him speaking non-sense which was very impressive and funny lol

  20. DSvT Says:

    In Malaysia, too many races, we have indians, Malay, Bumi-putera (original resident of Malaysia), Chinese (all chinese talk with their own mother-tongue), Indonesians and etc…

    When all kind of languague mixed together… Even my cantonise also got mixed up with all kind of malay accent… Haha… And actually my english also mixed with Japanese accent (I work for Hitachi Malaysia)…

    I been to HK before, I just feel weird that all around me is just chinese, and chinese… I just don’t feel comfortable… same feeling when I work in China last year…

  21. cheryl Says:

    haha isn’t it fun?? i also have another friend from penang who’s originally hokkien, so he speaks hokkien instead of mandarin….. real fun to talk to him

  22. DSvT Says:

    Everyone speak differ languague in Malaysia… Imagine a table of friends, some speak hakka, some speak hokkien, some speak cantonese, some speak english… but they are chatting with each other. That’s fun. Basically each malaysian (I mean chinese) know minimum 5 languague, some know 6~10…

  23. Yammie Says:

    我都遇到唔好既經驗 ,九龍區鄧師傳根本無用心教..又話我學唔夠鐘 , 大佬 30幾個 sections 啦 ~ 問佢我學成點 , 永遠都無答案架 , 最 終, 我更係肥佬啦 ! 真氣死 ~
    一怒之下 , 我决定轉師傳 , 學車地點雖然遠好多 ,考車地點都完全唔同 , 但我都寧願轉。終於 , 這個港島區的張師傳真的沒有令我失望 , 佢既苦心教導令我敬佩 , 佢由始至終都用心的教導我。最終 , 我更係成功左啦 ~ 我平時唔會咁謙虛 , 但今次既成功 , 真係95%全歸功於佢啦 ! 好開心 !

  24. Justin Says:

    我學車時心裏都有呢個問題。其實我同個師傅係有conflict of interest嫁喎。當然,佢唔可以去到太盡,明明我得都唔比我考。


  25. Jane Says:


    Search 學車路經此地~


  26. Justin Says:



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