Archive for 一月, 2008

All about the photos


This is the first time in my life realizing the advantage of being handsome.

Being an ordinary male, most of them, but not all, are my dream girls. I can do anything to attain anyone of them, especially Chung. But, the handsome Chan can take all! The world has never been fair.

Being an ordinary male, I constantly surf the web with single hand and search for good photos, I have seen more than enough similar victims, some were drunk and (half) naked, some were conscious and showing their organs, some photos were taken by a hidden carmer. Yes, I know, one victim is already too many. This issue is not unprecedented, it has been happening since the digital camera gained its popularity. What makes this such an serious offense that could involves the Interpol?

I agree this is an serious offense, at least, without the subject’s approval, it is morally wrong to put their naked photo in a public place. The question is what on earth make Chung and Cheung so prominent and privileged that makes the police put so much effort on it? What if they are not singer, but a layman, go to the police station and say that report that her photos are unapprovingly published on the web, how much police force will be spent on this one single tiny plain case?

The only thing I concern is if the government will pose any law to monitor the net.

And, be ware of all other news coming out in this week.

I totally agree with Suen that now it is a great chance for the PRs, actually, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in any aspects.

In Aug 2006, Ho, the law maker, was assaulted in a McDonald’s in central, this was the most offensive act towards a law maker in recent years. The case quickly became the main issue of the city, and it imposed a great pressure on the government and the police force. It was far more than assault, it involved a lot of politics, and part of the case was outside the jurisdiction of Hong Kong.

However, two days later, there was another more stunning and attracting issue, a magazine published a series of photos which were taken when she was changing. All of a sudden, the focus of conversation shifted to Chung, and from that point, Ho’s case got a very low attention.

Great to see that today Au’s case defeats Chan’s and appears in the headline of a number of newspapers.

This week, we should would pay more attention to other buried news.

Thanks for reading until this line. These days there are too many people reach here by searching Chung and Chan’s name. I intentionally use my poor English.

Moving On Stage










來這裏才半年,已參加過大大小小超過二十個大同小異的派對,基本上是如american pie裏的,在某某人的家裏,有來自五湖四海的陌生人,有很多不同類型的酒清類飲品,然後每人拎著一杯野飲,行行企企,跟人吹水,吹呀吹呀吹。

近來基本上每個週末晚上都有party,再上星期六的叫knife fight new year,因為那個party的host的花名叫knife fight。今次的host是印度同學,於是就叫做Indian Republic Day。我問印度同學究竟他們的共和日是甚麼一回事,聽他們的口吻似是他們從來沒當過共和日是個喜慶節日,印度同學說那天確實有很多文藝活動,又有花車巡遊,多是政府搞的;我心想咁即係回歸和國慶,那都是十歲以後都沒再有興趣的興祝節目。


也為了玩野,主辦單位要求人們穿著(至少部份)印度服飾,他們並且提供購買指南。我當然沒有他們好氣,不會為了一個party而買衫買褲,只拿了一條從來沒穿過的鬆身褲當印度褲。一進場,每人一個name tag,是各人英文名的印度譯音。我叫做Jaspreet。









French Bank Says Rogue Trader Lost $7 Billion





Before discovering the fraud, Société Générale had been preparing to announce pretax profit for 2007 of 5.5 billion euros, or $8.07 billion, figures that Mr. Bouton said would have demonstrated “our capacity to absorb a very grave crisis.”


黑天鵝(又或者係Fool by randomness)既中心思想係,最會令人輸大錢既,係一啲你從來都估唔到佢會發生既事,簡單黎講,即係The Impact of the Highly Improbable(即係Black Swan既副題)。

Black Swan 裏有一個故事:主角Taleb跟兩個人玩遊戲,一個主張"Finding who the sucker is"的充滿street smart的Fat Tony,另一個是工程學的Phd Dr. John。(唔好煩,懶得中譯,原文照錄)

Taleb: Assume that a coin is fair, i.e., has an equal probability of coming up heads or tails when flipped. I flip it ninety-nine times and get heads each time. What are the odds of my getting tails on my next throw?
Dr. John: Trivial question. One half, of course, since you are assuming 50 percent odds for each and independence between draws.
Taleb:What do you says, Tony?
Fat Tony: I’d say no more than 1 percent, of course.
Taleb: Why so? I gave you the initial assumption of a fair coin, meaning that it was 50 percent either way.
Fat Tony: You are either full of crap o a pure sucker to buy that “50 percent" business. The coin gotta be loaded. It can’t be a fair game. (translation: it is far more likely that your assumptions about the fairness are wrong than the coin delivering ninety-nine heads in ninety-nine throws.)
Taleb: But Dr. John said 50 percent.
Fat Tony (whispering in my ear): I know these guys with the nerd examples from the bank days. They think way too slow. And they are too commoditized. you can take them for a ride.

利森做低左霸菱銀行之後,連大學生去見工都識得答要做好風險管理,但係講還講,現實証明左總有些地方會出事,而且係大件事。如果睇得穿次按危機風險評級問題既係叫做跟足assumption咁玩遊戲,咁,原來最安全既地方係最危險既,計左一大輪數原來發現係個assumption錯左(Taleb好鐘意用既例子—呢一兩年人人都識講既Black-Scholes竟然係based on Gaussian Distribution,而佢本人,同佢老細Benoît Mandelbrot(發明/發現fractal果位仁兄),都係唔同意用Gaussian黎分析stock market既)。而今次,佢地計到出面有事,之但係睇唔到自己裏面管理原來係千瘡百孔(又係果句,如果佢事先就知,就唔會輸咁多)。


十二年前發生過既事,今日重演,又有咩咁出奇?(呢啲係唔係叫做retrospectively (in contrast to prospectively) predictable?)







A few words about MBA


Yesterday Jobs has announced Apple’s new sub-notebook, MacBook Air. Everything that could be made wireless is now made wireless. Regarding the ports, I guess there will be one more move. Why don’t the USB port provide video output? like, with a dongle? And the dongle can actually be a usb hub that provide one (or more) usb port that connect to other devices. Power is not a problem, because the monitor is not going to draw any power from usb, so now, again, one port less.

Actually, I don’t think macbook air is a big surprise. Apple has discontinued their 12″ sub-notebook line since their transition to Intel, everyone were expecting a new super slim laptop from Apple.

The media is now overwhelmed by this super slim machine, however I think that the storage device will make a greater impact to the world. KK has the point. The more important product is the Time Capsule, the machine that do all the storage work automatically (though currently, it is only a backup device). As currently the network speed is getting tremendously fast, it only takes a few minutes to download a HD movie from the net, documents and photos could be stored online. For a portable machine, all we need is a hard drive with reasonable size, that could fit the operating system, some essential files, a few movies and dozens of mp3s. All else could be retrieved from the net (or from any personnel storage device that accessible from the net).

Google is one of the pioneers in this aspect, as all documents and spreadsheets and photos (WebPicasa sucks, though) could go online, all we need is a web-browser. Hard drives are cheap, storage is technically free. We all get a free gmail account with an almost unlimited space. Paying like a few bucks a year and you will get a unlimited web storage space. Yet, here is a privacy concern. One has the admin privilege in gmail has access to all mails, so as in all web storage service. We have no way to tell if someone has read our email or documents. Hence a personal storage device (a “Data Box" in your home) is a good and reasonable alternative.

Money cafe insisted that MBA pose a treat to the hard drive manufacturer. I don’t agree with this. Movies are getting higher resolution, so as our digital cameras. We need to store it in anyway, either in a public web space or personal hard drive. More importantly, for those who is afraid of the Big Brothers, they are inclined to have a personal storage place, so I guess one of the next move will be, as KK mentioned, an easy-to-use “Data box".

MBA is fabulous, but expected, not a great suprise. I do look forward to see what moves Jobs will make in the storage device.

真係MacBook Air喎!












